Well yesterday we had Raegan's 1 year check up and Miranda's 4 year checkup. Well yeah we had to get shots! Oh baby 4 for Miranda and a finger stick. 3 for Raegan. I'll tell you right now that is the most awful feeling is holding your children so someone can stick em in the leg with injections that I am still not totally convinced we should be giving. Well we survived and moved on. Now on to the bigger project at hand, we now need to stop the bottles and formula for Raegan. Doc says by the next checkup in 3 months we should have Raegan off the bottle. Last night we decided to let her cry and start her sleeping through so we do not have to get up and rock her or get a bottle ready. Anyway come 2 AM an all out crying fit and Charlotte went to check on her, thrashing all around the bed and got up standing at the side rail where her blanket went over the side and you guessed it the little buger leaned over so upset that her blanket fell that she flipped right over the side and down to the floor. All I heard was Charlotte yelling "OH SH__!!!!! Everything turned out ok and she did not hit her head but was not ready to sleep for a little while. Well today is day 1 for no more formula and starting on Whole Milk. We'll see how everything goes.
It's raining outside right now. I have to work the next 3 days straight. Waiting to hear back from work, I have applied for a position on a telemetry floor on the night shift for a start till there is an opening on days, or I can be preceptor which is a trainer for new graduates of nursing school. Kinda exciting but nerv-wrecking trying to learn new things and adventure out of what you have been doing for 4+ years. Oh well here we go.
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