Sunday, August 23, 2009


We haven't been out of town at all this summer so we decided to go on a mini vacation up to the mountains to a little town called Payson. Here are a few pictures.

Miranda feeding ducks at a local park.

Daddy and the girls laying under a tree.

"Christopher Creek" My favorite camping site as a little girl.
Swimming at the Hotel.

Taking a walk to Walmart.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hotter than Hades...and MINI-VANS!

Ok...maybe not really but it sure puts me in a bad mood! Anyone who has not experienced 115 degree weather is welcome to come and seriously will notice your personality change and it's usually not for the better! Ha! I made a little joke the other day..."you know you are in Arizona when you don't want to get out of your car to get in the pool!" Ok, enough complaining...I love the state of AZ!

I never thought I would say this but I want a mini van! In the west, SUV's are the big thing, however, they tend to be gas hogs and just not very practical. My parents have a mini van that we have used here and love it! It is so easy to put the girls in, gas mileage is not bad, and it gets the girls cooled down quickly! So Donnie and I have been a little obsessed with buying a mini van. We have one vehicle (a truck) right now and if we are going to stay down to 1 vehicle, we need something more little kid friendly. :) However, God keeps shutting the doors! Every vehicle we approach, we have prayed before hand for wisdom and God's perfect will...and the door gets slammed shut !!! So today, we decided to stop looking until we get further word from God. So patience it must be.....HELP!!!